War Room Observation

There are enormous numbers of people finding inspiration and motivation to pray after watching the movie, “War Room.”

War Room
War Room

Miss Clara and other role models in the movie impress the viewer with their style and conviction in prayer. In “A Simple Way to Pray,” Martin Luther instructs us to pray formal prayers, … The Lords Prayer, the Ten Commandments and the Apostles Creed.

Notable Quotations from the movie:

Marriage Is Based On A Person, Jesus Christ – Elizabeth states in her conversation with Tony, “I am His before I am yours. And because I love Jesus I am staying right here.”

Those Who Have Been Given Grace Should Willingly Extend Grace – The world desperately needs grace, grace from each other but ultimately the grace which can only be received from Jesus Christ. One of my favorite scenes is when Tony serves a former boss (who was very mean to him) by changing his flat tire.

The World Is Dying For More Godly Husbands And Fathers – “I would rather have a man chasing Jesus than a house full of stuff.” – Elizabeth

Husbands Either Serve Their Wives Or Serve Themselves – You cannot do both.

“Raise ’em up Lord! Raise ’em up!” – Miss Clara’s declarative plea to raise up more prayer warriors.

– Brian Dodd. War Room review. Brian Dodd On Leadership.

Inspired or Motivated to Pray or Not?

Please reply with your thoughts to Pastor Michael. Peace & Joy!
