Valley Community Palm Sunday Activity

Valley Community Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic Lunch

Awesome! So many people turn out for this Community Celebration on this chilly Nebraska day!

There are dozens of people, some for the picnic, some for the Easter eggs, some for fellowship! We are thankful for supporters donating their time and resources. Spirit of Peace Pastor Michael Hanus told a story of the Easter Hare tradition and Three Nails and One Cross Equals Forgiven before dozens of children chased after several hundred Easter eggs. The record breaker egg collector scooped up two dozen eggs. We thank everyone for participating and supporting this successful community event! We plan to repeat the Community Picnic Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt in the Valley City Park on Easter Sunday. Everyone is invited!
Spirit of Peace Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus may be contacted at: or 402-541-7019.