Missional Living and Giving Thanksgiving

Pastor has a thrilling idea! Let’s get together, go out into the community and assist in serving Thanksgiving dinner to those in need! What a wonderful way to share our joy with those in the community!
Imagine greeting people with food and fellowship. Would you like gravy with your turkey and bread stuffing? Are you enjoying the evening? Is there something more I can do for you?
Would you like to sit and visit? What do you enjoy doing? I enjoy praying!
Are there any intentions you may wish to pray for? May I pray with you?
Before you know it the Holy Spirit has come to you and the people you are visiting with, bringing Jesus among you, for there are two or more of you gathered in His name. Matt. 18.
This may be a Missional Community Thanksgiving opportunity that may last a lifetime!

Our Father who Art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us This Day Our Daily Bread, …
