Community Garden

The people in Valley can benefit from a Community Garden.

Of course the garden provides sustinence for the body when its produce is harvested. Nourishment from plant species in the garden provides almost everything needed in a balanced diet no matter what stage of life the recipient is in. Vegetables of all sorts make great snacks and a foundation for daily meals. Squashes and gourds raised in greater numbers than anticipated can be used for fall harvest decorations.

Here in Valley Nebraska, Golden Living is generous in providing the community with two of three raised beds within its property adjoining the Rogert Park. Great location!

Early Season Garden Raised Beds

Early Season Garden Raised Beds

Here we see a member of the community practicing his talent in gardening, preparing, weeding and turning the soil.

Garden Preparation Talent
Garden Preparation Talent

We are sure that as the year progresses, we will learn a lot about gardening in the community.

Garden Song   David Mallett – performed by Martie Reynolds and the Saint Matthews Nursery School

Garden Song

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground.

And inch by inch, and row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
Till the rain comes tumblin’ down.

Are you interested in participating in our Community Garden?  Please bring your wishes, plans, talents and energy to our meetings in support of the Community Garden!

Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus.

Box 245 Valley, NE 68064.  Phone: 402-541-7019