Blessings in Song

Blessings in Song Christmas Caroling for the Community as Spirit of Peace Missional Community Brings Reflection Upon This Last Year and Christmas Caroling to the People throughout the community, including Care Centers and the Homebound.

May the Lord Bring Abundant Blessings to You! Peace and Joy! Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus. Spirit of Peace.

Christmas Caroling
Christmas Caroling

Christmas spirit

Spirit of Peace Missional Community Invites All Interested People of All Ages to Celebrate a Joyful Merry Christmas this Year!

The Spirit Missional Community Engages in many Focused Spiritual Religious Christmas Spirit Activities throughout the Christmas Season.

Two of These Activities Are Faith Hope Love Joy Peace and Twelve Days of Christmas.

Faith Hope Love Joy Peace FHLJP

All Are Welcome to Join Our Missional Community in the Presentation of Faith Hope Love Joy Peace FHLJP which discusses and assists in preparing for the Grand Celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ.

Twelve Days Christmas
Twelve Days Christmas

All Are Welcome to Join Our Missional Community in the Presentation of Twelve Days of Christmas which May Surprise You the First Time You Experience this Activity which Walks Us from Christmas Day through Epiphany. Hint: One item Discussed is a well-known Christmas Season song!

Peace and Joy! Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community.