Spirit Open Pantry

Calling ALL Spirit Open and Popup Pantry Interested People! 

All Are Welcome! 

In Addition to Our Usual Food Fair You Will Often Find Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus looking forward to greeting you! 

Spirit of Peace has many Pantry Offerings! 

Expect Typical Open Pantry availability on Sundays and Fridays 1-3pm or so!  Please Contact Us If Interested! and/or needing an appointment! 

Spirit of Peace Food Pantry
Spirit of Peace Food Pantry

Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community! 

303 West Maple Hooper, NE 68031.



402-541-7019 text or call 

#pantry #SpiritOfPeace

Biblical Wedding Service

ALL ARE WELCOME! to Come to the Spirit of Peace Missional Community

Biblical Wedding Service and Dinner in a Friendly Family Focused Missional Community Environment! 

We Look Forward to Visiting with You at Spirit of Peace Biblical Wedding Service at 303 West Maple Street Hooper NE 68031 on Sunday January 19th from 11am; followed by a healthy light meal in the Fellowship room from Noon-2pm or so.


Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community.   RSVP is appreciated!   402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us

As always, donations and volunteers are welcome! 

#spiritofpeace #streamsoflife #service #wedding #renewal #meal

Baptism Renewal Service

ALL ARE WELCOME! to Come to the Spirit of Peace Missional Community Baptism Renewal Service and Dinner in a Friendly Family Focused Missional Community Environment! 

We Look Forward to Visiting with You at Spirit of Peace Baptism Renewal Service at 303 West Maple Street Hooper NE 68031 on Sunday January 12th from 11am; followed by a healthy light meal in the Fellowship room from Noon-2pm or so.

Baptism of Our Lord Jesus
Baptism of Our Lord Jesus

Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community.   RSVP is appreciated!   402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us

As always, donations and volunteers are welcome! 

#spiritofpeace #streamsoflife #service #baptism #renewal #meal

Three Days of Prayer LCMC

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ LCMC

Martin Luther said in his book, A Simple Way to Pray:

“We must see to it that we do not lose the habit of prayer and deceive ourselves into thinking that other kinds of things are more important, when they are not.”

I would like to invite our over 1,000 congregations in 18 countries around the globe to join us for LCMC’s annual Three Days of Prayer on January 7-9, 2025.

As we gather together as one association on those days let us:

  • Pray for our families.
  • Pray for our churches.
  • Pray for our leaders and members.
  • Pray for those who do not yet know Jesus as Savior and Lord.  

Our Congregations and Leaders

Lord, we pray that You bless our congregations and leaders

with Your favor and with Your provision and power to carry

out the ministry and mission You have in store for us. In Jesus’

name, we pray. Amen.  

For those who do not yet know Jesus as Savior and Lord

Lord, give us Your heart for those who don’t yet know you as

Savior and Lord, and for the prodigals. Create in us a boldness

to love them and serve them and to share our God-stories with

them as opportunities arise. Open our eyes to be aware of

everyday encounters in which we can minister Your love and

Your power to those in need. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

For our international partners

Thank You, Lord, that You have bound us together with these

sister churches and leaders and partner networks. We pray

that You will give them protection and provision. We pray that

You will show us how we can come alongside them, encourage

them, and serve with them. Lord, grant our brothers and sisters

Your favor in their cities, communities, and countries. We pray

this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

#LCMC3DOP #StreamsOfLife #SpiritOfPeace


ERMAA Card Party

ALL ARE WELCOME! To Come to the ERMAA Card Party hosted by Spirit of Peace Missional Community in a Friendly Family Focused Missional Community Environment!  (Weather Permitting!).  
We Look Forward to Visiting with You at the ERMAA Card Party hosted by Spirit of Peace at 303 West Maple Street Hooper NE 68031 on Sunday January 5th from 2pm-4pm or so.   Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community.  
RSVP is appreciated!   402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us 

As always, donations and volunteers are welcome! 
#spiritofpeace #ermaa #cardparty 


Epiphany Service and Dinner

ALL ARE WELCOME! to Come to the Spirit of Peace Missional Community Epiphany Service and Dinner in a Friendly Family Focused Missional Community Environment! 
We Look Forward to Visiting with You at Spirit of Peace Twelve Days Christmas Service at 303 West Maple Street Hooper NE 68031 on Sunday January 5th from 11am; followed by a healthy light meal in the Fellowship room from Noon-2pm or so.


Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community.   RSVP is appreciated!   402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us

Twelve Days of Christmas
Twelve Days of Christmas

As always, donations and volunteers are welcome! 
#spiritofpeace #streamsoflife #service #christmas #twelvedays #epiphany


Twelve Days Christmas Service

ALL ARE WELCOME! to Come to the Spirit of Peace Missional Community Twelve Days Christmas Service in a Friendly Family Focused Missional Community Environment!

Twelve Days of Christmas
Twelve Days of Christmas

We Look Forward to Visiting with You at Spirit of Peace Twelve Days Christmas Service at 303 West Maple Street Hooper NE 68031 on Sunday December 29 from 11am; followed by a healthy light meal in the Fellowship room from Noon-2pm or so.
Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community.   
RSVP is appreciated!   402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us

Holy Innocents
Holy Innocents

As always, donations and volunteers are welcome! 

#spiritofpeace #streamsoflife #service #christmas #twelvedays #holyinnocents

Christmas Day Dinner

ALL ARE WELCOME! To Come to the Spirit of Peace Missional Community Christmas Day Dinner in a Friendly Family Focused Missional Community Environment! 

Christmas Day Dinner - Spirit of Peace
Christmas Day Dinner – Spirit of Peace

Christmas Dinner  Free Will Donation!  

We Look Forward to Visiting with You at Spirit of Peace Free Will Christmas Day Dinner at 303 West Maple Street Hooper NE 68031 on Christmas Day Wednesday December 25 from Noon-2pm or so. Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community.  

RSVP is appreciated!   402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us
As always, donations and volunteers are welcome!

#spiritofpeace #Christmas


Doorly Zoo Adventure

ALL ARE WELCOME!  to Come to the Spirit of Peace Missional Community Nature Science Educational Fun Doorly Zoo Wildlife Adventure Planned by Youth for Youth in a Friendly Supportive Family Focused Missional Community Environment!

Red Green Macaw
Red Green Macaw

We are planning this event for a best time for Omaha Doorly Zoo activities available in December.  Contact us if interested in this family fun activity!


We Look Forward to Visiting with You at Spirit of Peace 303 West Maple Hooper NE 68031   Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community. 402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us   As always, donations and volunteers are welcome!  

#spiritofpeace #nature #science #education #friendly #fun #exploration #adventure #doorly #wildlife

Christmas Extravaganza

Christmas Extravaganza Hooper NE   Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus appreciate the opportunity to support the Hooper Chain of Friends in their Christmas Extravaganza activity at the Hooper Auditorium on December 1.   So many people came to enjoy the Christmas theme!

Christmas Extravaganza Program Hooper NE
Christmas Extravaganza Program Hooper NE

Pastors Michael and Cathy are pictured with Santa.  

Spirit of Peace Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and Santa
Spirit of Peace Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and Santa

Chain of Friends are pictured.

Chain of Friends Hooper Nebraska
Chain of Friends Hooper Nebraska

We Look Forward to Visiting with You at  Spirit of Peace 303 West Maple Hooper NE 68031 

Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace Missional Community. 402-541-7019, call or text.  minister@spiritofpeace.us 

As always, donations and volunteers are welcome! 

#spiritofpeace #christmasextraganza #chainoffriends

Where Believers Gather Together to Worship Jesus