Welcome! Going Viral! Celebration

Spirit of Peace Church Community Event

Service, Fellowship, and Potluck Picnic Meal

Everyone is Welcome!

When: Sunday, February 1, 2015 from 8 am to 10 am
Rising sun Morning Modern Traditional blend themed
Schedule: 8:00 Service 8:40 or so Fellowship 9:00 Potluck Picnic Meal

Even the Unclean Spirits Obey Him! Mark 1.

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.

Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Contact Us with Special Requests!

Where: Chapel in the Woods Mercer, Nebraska
Please contact Michael or Cathy

Price: Free will offering (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions: Please contact Michael or Cathy Hanus



402-541-7019 – Pastor

LORD070910 (567-307-0910) – Church

Twitter: @SpiritOfPeaceCh

Please See the Church Blog for Information Updates –


Thank you!

Trust in God Reflection Psalm Devotion

“Trust in God” Today’s 7 minute Reflection Devotion.

“I climb because I love the mountains,” Lygon said, “and I meet God there.” In January 2008, she died in an avalanche while climbing Little Bear Peak in southern Colorado with her brother, who survived.

Her parents discovered her journals. They were deeply moved by the intimacy of her walk with Christ. “Always a shining light for Him,” her mother said, “She experienced a depth and honesty in her relationship with the Lord, which even seasoned veterans of faith long to have.”

In her final journal entry, written from her tent 3 days before the avalanche, she said: “God is good, and He has a plan for our lives that is greater and more blessed than the lives we pick out for ourselves, and I am so thankful about that. Thank You, Lord, for bringing me this far and to this place. I leave the rest – my future – in those same hands and say thank You.” – Daily Bread.

God of Wonders – Third Day – Chris Tomlin –

Lord of all creation
Of Water, Earth and Sky
The Heavens are your Tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high. …

… It’s early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
As I stumble in the darkness
I will call Your name by night.

King David trusted in the Lord throughout his journey through life.

Psalm 121
A song of ascents.

1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains –
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip –
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you –
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm –
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Still be our guard while troubles last
And our eternal home. – Watts



Welcome! Follow Me … Fishermen! Celebration

Spirit of Peace Church Community Event

Service, Fellowship, and Potluck Picnic Meal

Everyone is Welcome!

When: Sunday, January 25, 2015 from 8 am to 10 am
Rising sun Morning Modern Traditional blend themed
Schedule: 8:00 Service 8:40 or so Fellowship 9:00 Potluck Picnic Meal

Follow Me Become Fishermen. Mark 1.

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.

Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Contact Us with Special Requests!

Where: Chapel in the Woods Mercer, Nebraska
Please contact Michael or Cathy

Price: Free will offering (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions: Please contact Michael or Cathy Hanus



402-541-7019 – Pastor

LORD070910 (567-307-0910) – Church

Twitter: @SpiritOfPeaceCh

Please See the Church Blog for Information Updates –


Thank you!

Welcome! Follow Me … Come and See! Celebration

Spirit of Peace Church Community Event

Service, Fellowship, and Potluck Picnic Meal

Everyone is Welcome!

When: Sunday, January 18, 2015 from 8 am to 10 am
Rising sun Morning Modern Traditional blend themed
Schedule: 8:00 Service 8:40 or so Fellowship 9:00 Potluck Picnic Meal

I saw you under the fig tree! John 1.

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.

Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Contact Us with Special Requests!

Where: Chapel in the Woods Mercer, Nebraska
Please contact Michael or Cathy

Price: Free will offering (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions: Please contact Michael or Cathy Hanus



402-541-7019 – Pastor

LORD070910 (567-307-0910) – Church

Twitter: @SpiritOfPeaceCh

Please See the Church Blog for Information Updates –


Thank you!

Welcome! Baptized with the Holy Spirit! Celebration

Spirit of Peace Church Community Event

Service, Fellowship, and Potluck Picnic Meal

Everyone is Welcome!

When: Sunday, January 11, 2015 from 8 am to 10 am
Rising sun Morning Modern Traditional blend themed
Schedule: 8:00 Service 8:40 or so Fellowship 9:00 Potluck Picnic Meal

Baptized with the Holy Spirit! Mark 1.

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.

Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Contact Us with Special Requests!

Where: Chapel in the Woods Mercer, Nebraska
Please contact Michael or Cathy

Price: Free will offering (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions: Please contact Michael or Cathy Hanus



402-541-7019 – Pastor

LORD070910 (567-307-0910) – Church

Twitter: @SpiritOfPeaceCh

Please See the Church Blog for Information Updates –


Thank you!

Three Days of Prayer

Prayer represents a significant part of our identity in the Spirit of Peace Missional Community. We engage in formal and informal prayer, together and as individuals, led by our Pastor or any one of our congregation as the Holy Spirit moves us and the example of Jesus Christ teaches us. We pray while seated, standing and even walking. We pray in our waking and sleeping times. We pray throughout the seasons in celebration and supplication. We pray out loud in speech, music and song. We pray in silence. We pray in conversation with Jesus Christ, expressing thankfulness and petition. We pray because we are believers.

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ LCMC has organized a formal Three Days of Prayer. This is our third annual formal “Three Days” event. As children of the Lord we believe Prayer is a conversation between the Creator and us in Christ Jesus.
This milestone prayer event is organized in the following manner:

Day One: January 6. Confession.
This is a day focused on confession. We have made our lives, our relationships and even our church in our own image. We confess that the church belongs to Jesus and not to us. We gather to lay down our pride, our sin and our agenda and ask the Lord of the church for forgiveness, which He gives freely and with mercy.

Day Two: January 7. Petition.
This is a day of petition. Pray for your congregation, for the pastor, for the leaders, for those who carry out ministries, for the Sunday School teachers, for the Confirmation leaders, for those leading adult Bible studies and for those leading small groups. Pray for those in hospital and nursing home ministries. Pray for all those connected to your church that they might know God’s redeeming love for all in Christ.

Day Three: January 8. Vision.
This is a day for vision. Pray that the Holy Spirit will again move through the hearts and minds of leaders and pastors that God’s vision for His church might be revealed and fulfilled. This is a time of prayer for renewal, revival and encouragement. Pray for God’s vision.

After participating in the prayerful event, your congregation will experience the wonderful and joyous sense of purpose and closeness to our awesome Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen.

Questions? Please feel free to contact us as you wish for prayer will bring us together in His Name. Amen.

Spirit of Peace.

Welcome! Epiphany Celebration

Spirit of Peace Church Community Event

Service, Fellowship, and Potluck Picnic Meal

Everyone is Welcome!

When: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 from 8 am to 10 am
Rising sun Morning Modern Traditional blend themed
Schedule: 8:00 Service 8:40 or so Fellowship 9:00 Potluck Picnic Meal
Followed by Flash Christmas Caroling in the Community!

The Wise Men were Overwhelmed with Joy! Matt. 2.
Twelfth Day of Christmas!

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.

Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Contact Us with Special Requests!

Where: Chapel in the Woods Mercer, Nebraska
Please contact Michael or Cathy

Price: Free will offering (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions: Please contact Michael or Cathy Hanus



402-541-7019 – Pastor

LORD070910 (567-307-0910) – Church

Twitter: @SpiritOfPeaceCh

Please See the Church Blog for Information Updates –


Thank you!

Epiphany and the Twelve Days of Christmas

Epiphany is a Greek word akin to “manifestation” in English. The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates a formal announcement in the revelation that Jesus Christ appears among us as both God and man, and He is the Son of God.
Martin Luther holds that, of the festivals celebrated in the Lutheran Liturgical Calendar, Christmas is considered to be twelve days in length from December 25 until January 5, culminating in the Feast of the Epiphany.
In the Church of England the Epiphany is celebrated as the “Twelfth Night.” This history brings us to …
The Twelve Days of Christmas Song,
first published in 1780, may be both English and French in origin. It certainly does illustrate and enumerate a lavish gift giving practice associated with the Christmas holiday.

On the twelfth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
12 Drummers Drumming
11 Pipers Piping
10 Lords a Leaping
9 Ladies Dancing
8 Maids a Milking
7 Swans a Swimming
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

Welcome! Christmas Light Shines Celebration

Spirit of Peace Church Community Event

Service, Fellowship, and Potluck Picnic Meal

Everyone is Welcome!

When: Sunday, January 4, 2015 from 8 am to 10 am
Rising sun Morning Modern Traditional blend themed
Schedule: 8:00 Service 8:40 or so Fellowship 9:00 Potluck Picnic Meal
Followed by Flash Christmas Caroling in the Community!

The Light Shines in the Darkness! John 1.
Come Witness Light of Christmas in the Darkness!
Tenth Day of Christmas!

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.

Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Contact Us with Special Requests!

Where: Chapel in the Woods Mercer, Nebraska
Please contact Michael or Cathy

Price: Free will offering (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions: Please contact Michael or Cathy Hanus



402-541-7019 – Pastor

LORD070910 (567-307-0910) – Church

Twitter: @SpiritOfPeaceCh

Please See the Church Blog for Information Updates –


Thank you!