Easter Celebration is a Joyful Liturgical Holiday. After Suffering Crucifixion on the Cross for Our Sins, Jesus Resurrects from Death and Continues His Mission on Earth in Obedience to the Father.
All Are Welcome to Engage Our Easter Basket Ministry:

You Are Welcome to Drive By and Pick up an Easter Basket. Please Contact Us So We May be Prepared for You with Your Basket(s). Baskets are Available Until Gone. We Look Forward to Hearing from You and Seeing You!
All Are Welcome to Engage Our Easter Meal Bag Ministry:

You Are Welcome to Drive By and Pick up an Easter Meal Bag. Please Contact Us So We May be Prepared for You with Your Bag(s). Bags are Available Until Gone. We Look Forward to Hearing from You and Seeing You!
Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Spirit of Peace and Streams of Life Health and Wellness Missional Community Ministries.