The Twelve Days of Christmas begins on Christmas Day, the birth of Jesus Christ and goes to the Epiphany, the acknowledgment by the magi that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Son of God.
Our classic twelve days song is theorized to have a fundamental relationship to the religious based twelve days of Christmas in the following manner:
Partridge in a Pear Tree – Jesus Christ;
Two Turtle Doves – The Old and New Testaments;
Three French Hens – The three virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity;
Four Calling Birds – Four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John;
Five Golden Rings – First five books of the Old Testament;
Six Geese-a-Laying – Six days of creation before God’s rest on the seventh day;
Seven Swans-a-Swimming – Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit;
Eight Maids-a-Milking – Eight Beatitudes;
Nine Ladies Dancing – Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit;
Ten Lords-a-Leaping – Ten Commandments;
Eleven Pipers Piping – Eleven faithful disciples;
Twelve Drummers Drumming – Twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.
Twelve Days Christmas
United Student Ministries
Crossroads Bible Church