Independence Day

Independence Day is an annual event celebrated by the citizens of a nation recognizing that nation’s independence from previous rule by another nation. In the United States of America we celebrate our independence as a nation from Great Britain now the United Kingdom which officially happened on July 4, 1776. This year the Federal holiday is observed on Friday July 3rd while the traditional holiday remains Saturday July 4. This gives us two days to join with the community and celebrate all that freedom has brought us. Now while we might not be thoroughly pleased with every aspect of life as we know it today that our government has brought to us, we do recognize that we are much better off experiencing our democracy that our independence is founded upon rather than another form of government. So we celebrate the Fourth of July as a community with picnics, games and fireworks!

Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July!

Prayer for Independence Day:
Eternal Father, Ruler of all nations, on this day when my country celebrates its birth, I thank You for all spiritual and temporal blessings enjoyed in our land. In Your mercy, You have sustained this nation in times of trouble and preserved its liberties. Teach me anew to treasure especially that dearly won freedom of conscience and worship that is the cornerstone of this country’s principles. Let me not misuse this liberty nor forget that true freedom is freedom to serve. Give me willingness to share in the process of democratic rule, to respect my country’s laws, and to work for the preservation of its institutions. Forgive our past sins committed as a nation in the name of misguided patriotism, self-interest, or political expediency. Confound all those who, for the sake of partisanship or other motives, would sacrifice the greater welfare. Grant wisdom to our leaders. Strengthen all those who strive to do Your will. Increase loyalty to You and to our beloved country. Protect me and my fellow citizens from all subversive or terrorist acts. Above all, dear God, speed the course of Your Gospel among us, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, hearts are turned to that freedom from sin and death that You alone graciously give through Jesus Christ. Amen. – Lutheran Book of Prayer.

Independence Day 2 Celebration

Balloons Sculpture, Beach Ball Challenge, Bean Bag Tic-Tac-Toe, Cookie Frosting Decorations, Face Paint Extraordinaire, Family Movies, Food Festival, Hula Hoops Skill, Necklace Design, Piñata Sponge Bob, Planes and Rockets Design, Build and Fly, Sack Race, Sidewalk Chalk Art, SnoCones!, Water Balloons Every Which Way Imaginable Let’s Face It! It is pretty warm today! Good reason for cold water FUN!

Sponge Bob Piñata
Sponge Bob Piñata