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NESCIFEST Valley Appreciation

Nebraska Science Festival Valley

BIG THANK YOU to all who volunteered, supported and participated in NESCIFEST Valley held at the Valley Library location this last Saturday! presented its science projects in airplanes, chlorinator chemistry, disaster preparedness, four forces of flight, robots, rockets to name a few! We enjoyed sharing our combined GYSD Global Youth Service Day with you!

Spirit Picnic Lunch and Snack
Spirit Picnic Lunch and Snack

We enjoyed demonstrating science to and visiting with dozens of people and served dozens of lunches and snacks! You may find more of our interesting and FUN STEM Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics activities at Academy Science blog

Award Winning Rocket Design and Build
Award Winning Rocket Design and Build

Our prize winning best rocket flight was over 450 feet!

If you are interested in volunteering or participating in our community science and other projects throughout the year you may contact Pastor Michael or Cathy Hanus at:


Promise of Eternal Life Celebration

Promise of Eternal Life Celebration
for the Community.
Modern Song Focus on Contemporary Church Artists
performing hymns of traditional foundation.
Everyone is Welcome!

Promise Eternal Life
Promise Eternal Life

Promise of Eternal Life Introduction:
In John’s gospel message today, the Jews are divided. Some believe, others do not. Jesus, the great and patient teacher, praises the believers and admonishes those who do not believe. Believers receive eternal life.
Luke in Acts tells us of Tabitha, a woman filled with the Holy Spirit and good works, generous with concern and resources, who provides for the poor. We should live to emulate Tabitha.
Our Psalm 23 reminds us of the beauty in life that comes to faithful people. Our Lord provides for His flock time and time again.
The futuristic focus of Revelations allows believers hope and promise that despite today’s misfortunes, brighter times lie ahead. Christians are called to anticipate the heaven that awaits.

Promise of Eternal Life Scripture:
Now in Joppa there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas. She was devoted to good works and acts of charity. Acts 9:36.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Ps. 23:4.
For this reason they are before the throne of God, and worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter them. Rev. 7:15.
My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27.

Holy, Holy, Holy
Reginald Heber (1826).
performed by Hillsong

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!

Mighty Lord God,
in whom we know the power of redemption,
you stand among us in the shadows of our time.
As we move through every sorrow and trial of this life,
uphold us with knowledge of the final morning
when, in the glorious presence of your risen Son,
we will share in his resurrection,
redeemed and restored to the fullness of life
and forever freed to be your people. Amen.

The Lord is My Shepherd
Francis Rous (1650).
Pianist Brother James Air

The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want;
He makes me down to lie
In pastures green; He leadeth me
The quiet waters by.

O God, your Son remained with his disciples after his resurrection,
teaching them to love all people as neighbors.
As his disciples in this age,
we offer our prayers on behalf of the universe
in which we are privileged to live
and our neighbors with whom we share it.

Open our hearts to your power moving
around us and between us and within us,
until your glory is revealed in our love of both friend and enemy,
in communities transformed by justice and compassion,
and in the healing of all that is broken. Amen.

I heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Horatius Bonar (1846).
performed by Westminster Abbey Choir

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down,
Thy head upon My breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting-place,
And He has made me glad.

God of comfort and compassion,
through Jesus, your Son, you lead us
to the water of life and table of your bounty.
May we who have received
the tender love of our Good Shepherd
be strengthened by your grace
to care for your flock. Amen.

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.
Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Please Contact Us with Special Requests!

FREE NESCIFEST Valley Community Event

FREE NESCIFEST Valley Community Event
Everyone is Welcome! Come as You Are!
Sponsored by Spirit of Peace, Valley, NE and


Nebraska Science Festival for ALL to Explore!
– Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 10 am to 2 pm or so.
Where: Valley City Library
​ 232 North Spruce Street Valley, NE 68064

Many Science exhibits including Rockets, Robots, Microscopes, Fossils, Paper folding, and MORE!
Price:​ Free! (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions?: Interested in VOLUNTEERING?: RSVP assists Planning Purposes!
Please contact Pastors Michael or Cathy Hanus 402-541-7019

FREE NESCIFEST Valley Community Event

NESCIFEST Valley History


NESCIFEST Valley History

NESCIFEST Valley History

The Nebraska Science Festival is a celebration presentation of all things science. Different groups of people and individuals from all walks of life assist in organizing and presenting a Springtime Science Festival annually that kicks off at the Joslyn in Omaha the evening of Friday April 15th this year.

Spirit of Peace, along with, attended and participated in the Omaha area Science Festival for several years. We thought it would be great to share the event with our neighbors, friends, acquaintances and everyone in the Valley and surrounding communities.

In April 2015, we launched a NESciFest celebration at the Valley Library with the assistance and participation of the Library Director, Staff and the gracious volunteers that shared their knowledge and intellectual investment in science through interactive presentations with the community. We are grateful to everyone volunteering, participating, supporting and engaging science in this local celebration.
We welcome all interested people that wish to present the science that they have to share and all those who would like to visit, interact with and observe the science that volunteers graciously bring to us for this celebration.
Peace and Joy! Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus
You may contact us for information at:

Take Heart

Take Heart! Heaven’s Delights will Far Outweigh Earth’s Difficulties.

Take Heart
Take Heart

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33.

I like to watch birds at play, so I built a small sanctuary in our backyard to attract them. For several months I enjoyed the sight of my feathered friends feeding and flitting about, until a Cooper’s Hawk made my bird refuge his private hunting reserve.

Such is life: Just about the time we settle down to take our ease, something or someone comes along to unsettle our nests. Why, we ask, must so much of life be a veil of tears?

Lord, You are powerful, loving, in control, and eternal. We trust You and love You.
I have heard many answers to that old question, but lately I am satisfied with just one: “All the discipline of the world is to make [us] children, that God may be revealed to [us].” (George MacDonald, Life Essential). When we become like children, we begin trusting, resting solely in the love of our Father in heaven, seeking to know Him and to be like Him.

Cares and sorrow may follow us all the days of our lives, but “we do not lose heart. … For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:16-18). – David Roper. Daily Bread.

Can we not rejoice, then, with such an end in view?

Lord, we do rejoice even in our struggles because we are rejoicing in who You are and Your good purposes for us. You are powerful, loving, in control, and eternal. We trust You and love You. Heaven’s delights will far outweigh earth’s difficulties.

Despite our text telling the story of Paul’s suffering as a follower of Christ, it also carries an implicit message of hope in the phrase “but not.” (2 Cor. 4:8–9). Though Paul suffered in a variety of ways, he was not overwhelmed by his experiences. His hope, and ours, is expressed in verse 17: “Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” – Bill Crowder. Daily Bread.

LCMC Leadership Conference

LCMC Leadership Monday Conference Presenters
Shift: Retooling Church
From Consumer Christianity to Discipleship Producing Christianity

Game Changing Lineup:

Rev Jo Saxton is a leader, visionary, and practitioner that church leaders and lay people need to hear!

Rev Jeremey King has a passion for seeing people in all walks of their faith be awakened by God’s Word in new ways, living a life of incarnational ministry. Rev Jeremey encourages Radiant to “be the church” by tangibly loving God and their neighbors.

Rev Steve Turnbull has a particular passion for discipleship and leadership development in the church. Rev Steve encourages the people of First Lutheran to see themselves not as mere church goers but agents of the Kingdom of God on location in their homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces.

Ms Stephanie Nelson is on the Core Leadership team at Mission Point Church. She oversees the amazing leaders in Prayer, Student Ministries and Children’s Ministries.

Ms Ashley Nelson is part of the Mission Point’s Outreach team. She oversees mall outreach, through weekly cookie delivery to the stores.

Shift: Retooling Church
Shift: Retooling Church

LCMC Leadership Tuesday Conference Presenters

Rev. Dan Clites serves as the LCMC’s Coordinator for New Ministry Development. Rev Dan coaches and encourages our existing pastors and church leadership teams on becoming missionally-minded and discipleship-driven.

Laurel Swanson has been part of several “shifts” in ministry that have fueled her excitement for the future of ministry. Ms Swanson encourages people in her congregation to think beyond their past experiences of what church has been to find a way to launch disciples into their neighborhoods and communities.


Third Appearance Celebration

Third Appearance Celebration
for the Community.
Modern Song Focus on Contemporary Church Artists
performing hymns of traditional foundation.
Everyone is Welcome!

Third Appearance
Third Appearance

Third Appearance Celebration Introduction:
“Follow me!” The command in the statement is clear. But will we? Can we? Jesus appears to His apostles for a third time after His death. Follow me is quite familiar. We heard this earlier when Jesus gathered His apostles to teach them as He did His Father’s work. Now Jesus beckons them once more to be more complete in the work He taught them.
In Acts, Luke tells us about Saul. Up to this point Saul is a very bad man. When Saul hears Jesus speaking to him, Saul turns his life around and becomes Christian. Ananias will be the spokesman that will turn Saul into Paul. Wonders in the world occur when Jesus speaks.
Our Thanksgiving psalm applies to individual healing and the dedication of a home. We see the Lord’s life giving powers as we journey to wellness in body, mind and soul. We see the Lord looks after us with shelter and comfort even in life’s storms.
In Revelations, John summons us to be loyal to our Triune God.
If Jesus appears to us and says, “Follow Me!” what will we do? Follow and Lead!

Third Appearance Celebration Scripture:
The Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” He answered, “Here I am, Lord.” Acts 9:10.
Hear, O LORD, and be gracious to me! O LORD, be my helper!” Ps. 30:10.
“To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” Rev. 5:13.
When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on some clothes, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea. John 21:7.

Mighty Lord God,
in whom we know the power of redemption,
you stand among us in the shadows of our time.
As we move through every sorrow and trial of this life,
uphold us with knowledge of the final morning
when, in the glorious presence of your risen Son,
we will share in his resurrection,
redeemed and restored to the fullness of life
and forever freed to be your people. Amen.

All the Ends of the Earth
Bob Dufford
performed by St Louis Jesuits

All the ends of the earth, sing a joyful song.
Sing to the Lord, there is salvation.

O God, your Son remained with his disciples after his resurrection,
teaching them to love all people as neighbors.
As his disciples in this age,
we offer our prayers on behalf of the universe
in which we are privileged to live
and our neighbors with whom we share it.
Open our hearts to your power moving
around us and between us and within us,
until your glory is revealed in our love of both friend and enemy,
in communities transformed by justice and compassion,
and in the healing of all that is broken. Amen.

John Bell

Will You Come and Follow Me If I But Call Your Name?

God of victory over death,
your Son revealed himself again and again,
and convinced his followers of his glorious resurrection.
Grant that we may know his risen presence,
in love obediently feed his sheep,
and care for the lambs of his flock,
until we join the hosts of heaven in worshiping you and praising him
who is worthy of blessing and honor,
glory and power, for ever and ever. Amen.
We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.
Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Please Contact Us with Special Requests!

Annunciation of the Lord Celebration

Annunciation of the Lord Celebration
for the Community.
Modern Song Focus on Contemporary Church Artists
performing hymns of traditional foundation.
Everyone is Welcome!


Annunciation of the Lord Introduction:
Ladies, can you imagine birthing and raising Jesus? Men, look in the mirror; can you be dad to the Lord?
This is the point where all of us, in meditation and contemplation of what certainly is challenging for a human, will deliver us from who we think we are to what God has called us to be, from observant believer to confessing apostle.

Annunciation of the Lord Scripture:
The LORD spoke to Ahaz saying, Ask a sign of the LORD your God; let it be deep as Sheol or high as heaven. Is. 7:10-1.
Hear, O daughter, consider and incline your ear; forget your people and your father’s house, and the king will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him. Ps. 45:10-1.
It is by God’s will that we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Heb. 10:10.
The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. Luke 1:30-1.

O God,
we rejoice in your salvation,
for your Spirit brought to life in Mary
the one who saves your people from their sins.
Send your Spirit on your church
to quicken all that is barren in us,
that we may give birth to Christ
for our world today. Amen.

Jesus, Name Above All Names
performed by Marantha Singers

Jesus name above all names
Beautiful Savior glorious Lord
Emmanuel God is with us
Blessed Redeemer living Word.
O Loving One,
your daughter Mary prayed to be your faithful servant.
Hear the prayers of our hearts on behalf of your world.
Ever-surprising One,
as your messenger came to Mary
with words of your favor
and the pledge of wondrous new life,
may we, in our day,
prove ourselves
as ready to serve you,
and as willing to bear the life you offer,
for the blessing of our world. Amen.

Jesus Shall Reign
Isaac Watts (1719).
performed by Enfield

Jesus shall reign where’er the sun, Does his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
God of impossibilities,
you chose to enter human flesh
through the one who called herself lowly.
Teach us who daily receive announcements of Christ’s coming
to live as Mary did,
trusting in your power
to bring your desire to fulfillment. Amen.

Wedding Song

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.
Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Please Contact Us with Special Requests!

Doubting Thomas Celebration

Doubting Thomas Celebration
for the Community.
Modern Song Focus on Contemporary Church Artists
performing hymns of traditional foundation.
Everyone is Welcome!

Doubting Thomas
Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas Introduction:
Jesus Christ Is Risen! Jesus lives as man taking our sins, all of our most grievous thoughts and deeds, to the cross and dies so we may be gifted salvation through our belief in Him. Praise the Lord!
So why do we have a pool of sinfulness to bathe in today? Let’s work through it. Salvation is Ours!
Many of us may have knowledge of the “Doubting Thomas” narrative and its conventional interpretation; that is Thomas wants proof that he is witnessing a resurrected Jesus.
Consider this … We are reading John 20 today. Translated from its original Greek, John does not use the word for “doubt.” Matt. 28 does raise the doubt issue in his gospel. Consider the interpretation that John’s gospel text recounts and blends events of many people of the day reacting to the Resurrection of Jesus. All too often we protect ourselves from the obvious truth with speculation. We are among many caught off guard by the obvious and seek a best guess logical explanation of what we should otherwise be believing.
John 20 translated from Greek is a logical If … Then rather than doubt. If the conditions are not met, Then Thomas will not believe. In John’s text, Thomas did not inspect to see if his conditions were met, rather Thomas was awestruck by the sight and presence of Jesus, believed, and remains a believer. Thomas performed many good works for the Lord in his lifetime that simply do not merit remembering him for a transient moment of assertion.

Doubting Thomas Scripture:
We must obey God rather than any human authority. Acts 5:29.
This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Ps. 118:24.
Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come. Rev. 1:4.
These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name. John 20:31.

Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Lyra Davidici
Charles Wesley

Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
who did once upon the cross, Alleluia!
suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!

Mighty Lord God,
in whom we know the power of redemption,
you stand among us in the shadows of our time.
As we move through every sorrow and trial of this life,
uphold us with knowledge of the final morning
when, in the glorious presence of your risen Son,
we will share in his resurrection,
redeemed and restored to the fullness of life
and forever freed to be your people. Amen.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
Yoachim Neander (1680).

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation!
Come, all who hear; now to his temple draw near,
join me in glad adoration.

O Lord God, your Son remained with his disciples after his resurrection,
teaching them to love all people as neighbors.
As his disciples in this age,
we offer our prayers on behalf of the universe
in which we are privileged to live
and our neighbors with whom we share it.
Open our hearts to your power moving
around us and between us and within us,
until your glory is revealed in our love of both friend and enemy,
in communities transformed by justice and compassion,
and in the healing of all that is broken. Amen.

Will You Come and Follow Me? The Summons.
John Bell

Will you come and follow me
If I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know
And never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown,
Will you let my name be known,
Will you let my life be grown
In you and you in me?

O Lord God,
you raised up Jesus Christ
as your faithful witness and the first-born of the dead.
By your Holy Spirit, help us to witness to him
so that those who have not yet seen
may come to believe in him
who is, and was, and is to come. Amen.

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.
Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!
Please Contact Us with Special Requests!


Valley Community Easter Activity

Valley Community Easter Sunday Egg Hunt and Picnic Lunch
Awesome! So many people turn out for this Community Celebration on this chilly Nebraska day!
There are dozens of people, some for the picnic, some for the Easter eggs, some for fellowship! We are thankful for supporters donating their time and resources. Spirit of Peace Pastor Michael Hanus told a story of the Easter Hare tradition and How an Empty Egg Represents a Risen Christ before dozens of children chased after several hundred Easter eggs. Young children were given a head start to collect Easter eggs. The record breaker egg collector scooped up two dozen eggs. Spirit’s Best Easter Celebration Costume Award Winner is Miss Shyenne Swolley. Miss Shyenne had her choice of a Beanie Baby donated for the cause by a generous volunteer. We are grateful for our generous volunteers! We thank everyone for participating and supporting this successful community event!
Spirit of Peace Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus may be contacted at: or 402-541-7019.