Praying for the Knowledge of His Will

Step 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with GOD as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will, and the power to carry that out. 
Step 11 suggests prayer and meditation. We shouldn’t be shy in this matter of prayer. Better men than we are using it constantly. It works, if we have the proper attitude and work at it. -A.A. Big Book p.85-86.  
Those of us who have come to make regular use of prayer would no more do without it than we would refuse air, food or sunshine. And for the same reason. When we refuse air, light or food the body suffers. And when we turn away from meditation and prayer, we likewise deprive our minds, our emotions and our intuitions of vitally needed support. As the body can fail its purpose for lack of nourishment, so can the soul. We all need the light of God’s reality, the nourishment of His strength, and the atmosphere of His grace. To an amazing extent the facts of A.A. life confirm this ageless truth. – Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 97-98. 
Step 11 provides daily spiritual maintenance. As recovering persons, we may use our support groups and recovery literature as springboards toward spiritual and emotional growth. We will probably reach a level, though, at which we hunger for an even deeper contact and communication with God…
If we have had little or no experience with prayer, we should probably begin in a simple fashion. That means putting aside perfectionistic concerns about praying “the right way.” We should pray simply and forthrightly to God as a loving Father, not worrying about what we should and should not say.
Over time, as we become comfortable with God, we will talk with Him as with a trusted friend. He will be the Person with whom we can conduct our daily inventories of grief and confession issues. And we will begin to sense His answers to our prayers… – Serenity, A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery, p. 72, 73. 
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14. 
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…” Col. 3:16. 

Veni Creator Spiritus Holy Gifts 

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,

and in our hearts take up Thy rest;

come with Thy grace and heav’nly aid,

To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. 

Martin Luther used this chant as the basis for his chorale for Pentecost “Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist” published in 1524.

Step 11 is my continual reality check and compass. It keeps me grounded in the reality that I know has brought me out of my addictive behaviors. It keeps me in a safe place by keeping my conscious contact with God. Through prayer and meditation I maintain this conscious contact with God and continually try to carry out what God leads me to do. In that path, I find the sanity, serenity and joy that I have been seeking. – From