Inside Out movie at the Theater

Inside Out movie at the Theater
Disney – Pixar has released a popular movie titled “Inside Out.”

Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear and Disgust
Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear and Disgust

Young or old, growing up can be a rough road. We discuss Discernment & Wisdom in a prior discussion presentation workshop blog post.
Pastor Michael invites youth and adults to accompany him to movie theaters in the community for movie viewing, light meals, fellowship and lively discussion.
In the storyline of this movie, “Inside Out;” Riley, the main character is an adolescent female who is uprooted from her Midwestern Minnesota life experience when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Of course Riley is influenced by the emotions of Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. These emotions are personified in animated characters and live in “Headquarters,” the Control Center inside Riley’s mind where they help advise her through the journey of everyday life. As Riley struggles to adjust to day to day existence in urban San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. As Joy, Riley’s most dominant emotion, tries to keep things positive, the remaining emotions conflict on planning the best method to navigate new experiences in life including the move to a new city, house and school. Naturally there are many challenges introduced in Riley’s day to day life. It is interesting to watch how these challenges are met in Riley’s perception.

Mom, Riley, Dad - Inside Out
Mom, Riley, Dad – Inside Out

Lively Fellowship and Discussion followed the movie viewing while participants enjoyed a light meal.