Welcome! Pentecost Celebration

Welcome! Pentecost Celebration

for the Community.  Everyone is Welcome! 

When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all Truth. John 16:13. 
You and I should be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can be all that the Lord wants us to be.

Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling 

Timothy Rees (1922). 

 performed by Christopher Lawton 

 Northenden Methodit Church. 

Holy Spirit Ever Dwelling

Holy Spirit, ever dwelling 

In the holiest realms of light;

Holy Spirit, ever brooding 

O’er a world of gloom and night;

Holy Spirit, ever raising 

Those of earth to thrones on high;

Living, life-imparting Spirit, 

You we praise and magnify. 


Creator Spirit and Giver of life,

make the dry, bleached bones of our lives

live and breathe and grow again

as you did of old.

Pour out your Spirit upon the whole creation.

Come in rushing wind and flashing fire

to turn the sin and sorrow within us

into faith, power, and delight. Amen. 

Baptized in Water (Morning has Broken). 

Michael Saward (1982), from the Gaelic (1888). 

Baptized in Water

Baptized in water,

sealed by the Spirit,

cleansed by the blood of Christ, our King;

heirs of salvation,

trusting his promise,

faithfully now God’s praise we sing. 

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people. 
Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family! 
Of course lively discussion and activities will be available! 
Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit! 

Contact Us with Special Requests! 

Price: Free will offering (sweet!) Thank you!
Questions?: Please contact Michael or Cathy Hanus