New Horizons

New Horizons “My life is well-rounded and I am becoming a more comfortable version of myself, not the neurotic, boring person that I thought I’d be without drugs.” JFT. N.A. Page 266.

New Horizons
New Horizons

Is there really life without drugs? Newcomers are sure that they are destined to lead a humdrum existence once they quit using. That fear is far from reality.
Narcotics Anonymous opens the door to a new way of life for our members. The only thing we lose in NA is our slavery to drugs. We gain a host of new friends, time to pursue hobbies, the ability to be stably employed, even the capacity to pursue an education if we so desire. We are able to start projects and see them through to completion. We can go to a dance and feel comfortable, even if we have two left feet. We start to budget money to travel, even if it’s only with a tent to a nearby campsite. In recovery, we find out what interests us and pursue new pastimes. We dare to dream.
Life is certainly different when we have the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous to return to. Through the love we find in NA, we begin to believe in ourselves. Equipped with this belief, we venture forth into the world to discover new horizons. Many times, the world is a better place because an NA member has been there.
Just for Today: I can live a well-rounded, comfortable life, a life I never dreamed existed. Recovery has opened new horizons to me and equipped me to explore them.
(C) 2007. NA Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

New Horizons – FlyLeaf

So you’re tired but you’re alive, So open up your eyes,

And you can get your sleep when you are dead.

Kill the clock inside your head, Bring your normalcy to the edge,

And watch it drown in new horizons, New Horizons.

You said I’d only have to wait until I die, And that’s in no time,

How did we come to thinking this was funny?

Cheering and laughing at the dying, While we’re riding the line in You.

Prayer to Overcome Addictions

Prayer To Overcome Addictions

Serenity Prayer
Serenity Prayer

Dear God,

I come to You as I come to no one else.
I am so sorry.
I have nearly thrown away my life, my body, my soul;
through addiction.
But recognition of my addiction
has never given me power to control it.
You know this.
You never blame me.
You know the truth.
Addiction is an attractor field, a low vibrational level.
I wound up there because I was trying to escape pain,
Or I was trying to experience something transcendent,
And I got stuck.
But there is a better way to escape pain,
And there is a better way to touch rapture.
I can receive an authentic calling from You.
Therefore, I surrender myself to what I can be,
to that highest level to which You call me.
I demand, now, in this moment, Father, that You call me,
that You call me loudly.
You call me and raise me up out of addiction,
and into a higher level attractor field.
And as You raise me,
So do You raise all of Humanity out of addiction,
and into a higher level attractor field.
Together we rise, as one force in You, one at a time and together.
You raise me because I deserve a better life.
You raise me because I am ready to be raised.
You raise me because the world needs me.
I rise and keep rising; I do not fall.
I rise because You need me.
I am Your Thoughts, Your Voice, Your Hands.
I rejoice in my inherent holiness.
For I am where You reside.
You lift me because I have asked,
and because you love me so very much.
By Your grace, as I read this,
My mind and energy align with Yours.
By Your grace, the power of my mind
Is multiplied exponentially by all who read this.
Aligned with You, we are more powerful than any evil,
or any substance,
Can ever be.
Together WE form a conduit of love.
It reaches into my need for addiction and I am healed.
By healing myself, I help heal Humanity’s need for addiction.
Joy fills my soul. My gratitude is infinite.
Thank You, Beloved Creator.
And so it is. Amen. – Prayerforce.


Fragrant Christianity

We are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:15

Every time I get close to a rosebush or a bouquet of flowers, I am unable to resist the temptation to pull a flower toward my nose to savor the fragrance. The sweet aroma lifts up my heart and triggers good feelings within me.

Come Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit

Writing to the Christians in Corinth centuries ago, the apostle Paul says that because we belong to Christ, God “uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.”  2 Cor. 2:14. Through His strength we can live a victorious life, exchanging our selfishness for His love and kindness and proclaiming the goodness of His salvation. When we do this, we are indeed a sweet fragrance to God.

Paul then switches to a second image, describing Christians as a “letter from Christ.” 2 Cor. 3:3. The letter of our lives is not written with ordinary ink, but by the Spirit of God. God changes us by writing His Word on our hearts for others to read.

Both word pictures encourage us to allow the beauty of Christ to be seen in us so we can point people to Him. He is the One who, as Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:2, “loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” – Lawrence Darmani. Daily Bread.

Lord, let Your splendor fill my life, that I may draw people to You. Help me walk in the way that spreads the fragrance of Your love to others. Amen.

Our actions speak louder than our words. Amen.

INSIGHT: Paul had a strained relationship with the church in Corinth. Within this troubled church were those who undermined unity, holy living, and sound doctrine. The Corinthian church was the recipient of three visits and multiple letters from the apostle Paul. Yet despite all the problems the church was facing; doubting Paul’s authority, allowing and perhaps bragging about sin, suggesting there is no resurrection; Paul continually reassured them of both his own affection and God’s affection for them. Paul’s message is clear, for Corinth and for us. Yes, we will experience problems that need to be corrected, but our position in Christ is secure. – J.R. Hudberg

Will I Ever Forgive Myself

Will I Ever Forgive Myself?


We asked His protection and care with complete abandon. – ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 59.

I Will Forgive Myself
I Will Forgive Myself

I could not manage my life alone. I had tried that road and failed. My “ultimate sin” dragged me down to the lowest level I have ever reached and, unable even to function, I accepted the fact that I desperately needed help. I stopped fighting and surrendered entirely to God.

Only then did I start growing! God forgave me. A Higher Power had to have saved me, because the doctors doubted that I would survive. I have forgiven myself now and I enjoy a freedom I have never before experienced. I have opened my heart and mind to Him. The more I learn, the less I know, a humbling fact, but I sincerely want to keep growing. I enjoy serenity, but only when I entrust my life totally to God. As long as I am honest with myself and ask for His help, I can maintain this rewarding existence.

Just for today, I strive to live His will for me, soberly.

I thank God that today I can choose not to drink.

Today, life is beautiful! – A.A. Daily Reflections, September 8.

Can I Forgive Myself

Can I, Will I, Ever Forgive Myself?

Yikes! It’s tough to forgive yourself. Your family and friends would never forgive you if they knew half of what you do. Unfortunately, you know the whole. And the sheer awfulness of it rocks you with guilt and sinks you with shame. God may forgive you. But how on earth are you ever going to forgive yourself? – Ellen Michaud. Prevention. November 3, 2011.

Let It Go
Let It Go

Psychologist Fred Luskin, PhD, director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project tells us how we can forgive ourselves.
The Healing Power of Forgiveness.
Dr Luskin tells us, “Forgiveness is a tool with which we face what we’ve done in the past, acknowledge our mistakes, and move on. It does not mean that you condone or excuse what happened. It does not mean that you forget.”

Dr Luskin’s Twelve Steps to Self-Forgiveness:
1. Categorize the offense.

2. Know how you feel.

3. Understand what you want.

4. Recognize unrealistic expectations.

5. Identify the hurt.

6. Hit the stop button.

7. Sorry!

8. Practice PERT Positive Emotion Refocusing Technique.

9. Make it right – make amends.

10. Lose the Wicked Witch thing. – Be a Hero.

11. Put things in perspective.

12. Give yourself a break! – Replace Guilt with Gratitude.

My Next Task is to Reconnect.

Prayer for Forgiveness – Psalm 51.
Create a pure heart in me, O God, and put a new and loyal spirit in me. Do not banish me from your presence, do not take your holy spirit away from me. Give me again the joy that comes from your salvation and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach sinners your commands, and they will turn back to you. Amen.  – Psalm 51: 10-13.

Forgiveness. Michael West.

It’s the hardest thing to give away and the last thing on your mind today. It always goes to those that don’t deserve. It’s the opposite of how you feel. When the pain they caused is just too real, It takes everything you have just to say the word … Forgiveness.

Prayer: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Eph. 4:32.

Ripples of Hope Reflection

In 1966, U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy made an influential visit to South Africa.

Bobby Kennedy, Ripples of Hope
Bobby Kennedy, Ripples of Hope

Robert Kennedy offered words of hope to opponents of apartheid in his famous “Ripple of Hope” speech at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He declared, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Ripples of Hope
Ripples of Hope

At times in this world, hope appear scarce. Yet there is an ultimate hope readily available for the follower of Christ. Peter wrote, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3.

Jesus can infuse #hope into the most hopeless of situations.

Through the certainty of Christ’s resurrection, the child of God has a hope that is more than a ripple. It is an overwhelming current of confidence in the faithfulness of the One who conquered death for us. Jesus, in His victory over death, our greatest enemy, can infuse hope into the most hopeless of situations. – Bill Crowder. – Daily Bread.

Cornerstone – Hillsong Chapel. 2012.

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. – Edward Mote, 1834. Lutheran Hymnal.

In Christ the hopeless find hope. Amen.

Servant Sunday Immeasurable Grace Celebration

Servant Sunday Immeasurable Grace Celebration  for the Community

Everyone is Welcome!

Servant Sunday introduction:
A servant may be biblically defined as One who is distinguished as obedient and faithful to the Lord. Joshua 1:2; 2 Kings 8:19; Daniel 6:20; Colossians 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:24. In Scripture, we clearly see and hear that at the heart of Jesus’ work was the humble, selfless desire to serve. Jesus lived as an example of practiced humility and walked the path of obedience to the Father all the way to His mortal death. The service theme rings loudly and powerfully throughout Jesus’ entire ministry. Jesus teaches us,” If anyone wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest, and if one of you wants to be first, he must be your slave, like the Son of Man who did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life to redeem many people.” Matt 20:26.

– Pastor Vince Gerhardy. St Luke Lutheran Church. Nambour. (2003).

He Makes the Deaf Hear and the Mute Speak! Mark 7:37.

Jesus Lover of My Soul – Charles Wesley (1740).

Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to thy bosom fly, while the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high; hide me, O my Savior, hide, till the storm of life is past; safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last!

Prayer: O Lord, Wisdom of the universe, you bear the pain of your people. Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way and live justly and graciously amid the struggles of this world. Amen.
Morning Has Broken.

Lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon (1931).  – Sung by Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam).

Morning has broken, like the first morning. Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird. Praise for the singing, praise for the morning. Praise for the springing fresh from the world.

Prayer: Lord God, friend of those in need, your Son Jesus has untied our burdens and healed our spirits. We lift up the prayers of our hearts for those still burdened, those seeking healing, those in need within the church and the world. Amen.

10,000 Reasons Bless the Lord – Matt Redman

Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul. Worship His holy name. Sing like never before. O my soul. I worship Your holy name.

Prayer: We praise your abiding guidance, O Lord, for you sent us Jesus, our Teacher and Messiah, to model for us the way of love for the whole universe. We offer these prayers of love on behalf of ourselves and our neighbors, on behalf of your creation and our fellow creatures. Amen.

Christ in Me Arise – written and performed by Trevor Thomson

Christ in me arise and dispel all the darkness. Christ in me arise with your power and your strength. Christ in me pour out your blessing and healing. Christ in me arise and I shall rise with you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Wisdom of the universe, you bear the pain of your people. Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way and live justly and graciously amid the struggles of this world. Amen.

Trust in the Lord. Give our most pressing concerns to Jesus. Be open to what the Lord is doing in our lives.

Be Thou My Vision
Ancient Irish ca 700  Translator Mary Byrne Versifier Eleanor Hull

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; naught be all else to me, save that thou art -thou my best thought, by day or by night; waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

Prayer: Lord God, friend of those in need, your Son Jesus has untied our burdens and healed our spirits. We lift up the prayers of our hearts for those still burdened, those seeking healing, those in need within the church and the world. Amen.

A Song of Ascents – Psalm 125 Song.

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. Psalm 125:1.

Prayer: Blessed are you, O Lord and Lover of Mankind, source of beauty and depth of passion. Strengthen and inspire us to do the word we hear and live the faith we confess. Amen.

You Raise Me Up  – performed by Josh Groban

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be. Then I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me.

Prayer: Holy Lord, maker of us all, you call us to love our neighbors as ourselves and teach us that faith without works is dead. Open us to the opportunities for ministry that lie before us, where faith and words and the need of our neighbor come together in name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

Servant Song – Sister Donna Marie McGargill.

Brother Let Me be Your Servant.

Prayer: Lord God, whose love streams like fresh water into the deserts of our hearts, you turn us from greed and partiality to healing and justice. Make us companions of those who long for your deliverance, and give us safe passage at the last into the land of your shalom. Peace and Joy! Amen.

We are all stewards spreading the Word of Jesus’ blessings for His people.

Picnic Fellowship Activities for the Entire Family!

Of course lively discussion and activities will be available!

Perhaps you may prefer to sit and visit!

Contact Us with Special Requests!

Servants Heart Reflection

A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient. 2 Timothy 2:24.

Servants Heart
Servants Heart

At times, the best way to define a concept is to offer an appropriate example …

George Washington Carver is well known as an African-American scientist who developed scores of products from the peanut. Dr. Carver was also a humble servant of the Lord who took every opportunity to speak to others about the Savior he loves and serves.

During the 1920s, members of the YMCA and the Commission on Interracial Cooperation asked Dr Carver to address white student audiences at colleges and universities in the South. Dr Carver spoke about the wonders of the natural world and the loving God who created the earth and all people.

As his goal for these meetings, Carver said he wanted the students to find Jesus and make Him a daily, hourly, and moment-by-moment part of their lives. “I want them to see the Great Creator in the smallest and apparently the most insignificant things about them.”

Dr. Carver sought to follow the words of Paul to a young pastor: “A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth.” 2 Timothy 2:24-25. This approach underscores the power of the Gospel and the winsome appeal of a servant’s heart. – David McCaslasland. Daily Bread.

Let us follow Carver’s example.

Servant Song. Sister Donna Marie McGargill.

Brother Let Me be Your Servant.

Witnessing is not just a job to be done, it’s a life to be lived. Amen.

Prayer: Lord God, whose love streams like fresh water into the deserts of our hearts, You turn us from greed and partiality to healing and justice. Make us companions of those who long for your deliverance, and give us safe passage at the last into the land of your shalom. Peace and Joy! Amen.

FREE Labor Day Community Celebration

Sunday Sept. 6 – Labor Day Community Celebration!

This Way to the FUN!
This Way to the FUN!

FREE Family Activities, Food, FUN!


3:00 Activities 5:00 Dinner & MORE Activities

8:00 STAR PARTY! (weather permitting) 

Connect with Your Spirit! 

– List is Growing! – Mix in Your Suggestions!

United Faith Community Center, 921 S Mayne Street Valley, Nebraska 

sponsored by Spirit of Peace, 

  Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus –

In Cooperation with,

United Faith Community Church

and the Valley and surrounding Communities

Check the blog! Contact Pastor! Thank You!

– RSVPs welcome for planning purposes. –

EventBrite Tickets: Spirit’s Labor Day Event


Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus




Willingness to Grow

If more gifts are to be received, our awakening has to go on. AS BILL SEES IT, A.A., p. 8.

Sobriety fills the painful “hole in the soul” that my alcoholism created. Often I feel so physically well that I believe my work is done. However, joy is not just the absence of pain; it is the gift of continued spiritual awakening. Joy comes from ongoing and active study, as well as application of the principles of recovery in my everyday life, and from sharing that experience with others. My Higher Power presents many opportunities for deeper spiritual awakening. I need only to bring into my recovery the willingness to grow. Today I am ready to grow.  – Daily Reflections, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 1990.

Joy In Us

Neurotransmitter health and balance: Serotonin for joy

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter of pleasure and enjoyment, feeling good. Serotonin is the main hormone associated with good mood, feeling happy, enjoying your life, family and friends.

One of the effects of alcohol usage is an increase in the release of serotonin. This is … Alcoholics may be chemically incapable of feeling joy the way non-alcoholics do. Many antidepressants are in a class of drugs called SSRIs, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. SSRIs increase the effectiveness of the neurotransmitter called serotonin. Serotonin regulates many important functions of our brains and bodies, from how hungry we get to how happy we feel. When a body becomes serotonin-deficient, it can adversely affect mood, leading to feelings of sadness, anxiety and restlessness. Taking an SSRI can regulate the serotonin levels in the brain and thereby regulate a person’s mood.

Where Believers Gather Together to Worship Jesus