Tag Archives: Nutrition

What Is Your Allergy

What Is Your Allergy?

Pastor Cathy Hanus, Holistic Health Coach

Opening Prayer

Blessings of God

The day is coming to a close,

and, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus,

we pause to break bread together.

May our eyes be opened, and,

in this act of common sharing,

may we see the risen Lord in one another.

May we see the Lord of Life in our food,

our conversation and lives shared in common.

May the blessing of God,

His peace and love,

rest upon our table. Amen.

– Edward Hays.


Remedies, Natural Relief

Treat Low Blood Sugar with Real Food



Genetic anomalies

Vitamin deficiencies



Wheat, biblical

Original, oldest species fourteen chromosomes

Over time, grew to twenty eight chromosomes

Norman Borlaug, 1970s R&D, Nobel Peace Prize

Modern, GMO grains tailor to modern conveniences

Exacerbates Nutritional Exchanges in Human Gut

Eventually AutoImmune processes develop

So respond with consumption of anti-inflammatory foods




Emotional Responses

Modern Beneficial Oils, Medium Chain Triglycerides


Organic Whole Grains

Natural Whole Grains

Processing Methods, too fine for the human gut

Natural Organic Farm Fresh Luncheon
Natural Organic Farm Fresh Luncheon



Organic Jack Fruit

Organic Celery

Natural Peanut Butter

Banana Slices

Main Dish

Natural Garden Fresh Spaghetti Squash

Garden Butternut Squash soup

Garden Fresh Organic Spinach

Garden Fresh Peppers



Moon Grapes, natural non-GMO

Closing Hymn

Gift Finest Wheat

Richard Proulx

Cathedral Singers

Check Your Balsam

Check Your Balsam!

Pastor Cathy Hanus Holistic Health Coach 

Prayer May the Lord extend His infinite love and assistance to all people affected by Hurricane Michael and its aftermath. 

LCMC 2018 Gathering Discussion 


Meditation Practices 

 Inhale Courage 

 Exhale Fear 

Sugar added to our diets 

Americans seem susceptible to anything with sugar added. Steve Darland, see Feature article about Balsamic Vinegar 

Vitamin Deficiency

Spinach Greens Blend Salad
Spinach Greens Blend Salad



 Greens, Spinach, Mizuna, Chard, Kale 

 Goat cheese 

 Hearts of Palm 

 Artichoke Hearts 

 Garden Red Cherry Tomato 

 Hemp Hearts, raw, shelled, hemp seeds 

 CRaisins, infused with Cherry juice 

Salad Dressing, Balsamic Vinegar, 

 NB: check your Balsam! see https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradjaphe/2018/08/20/everything-you-never-knew-you-needed-to-know-about-balsamic-vinegar/#40b0812e49b3


Fresh Tuna 


Spaghetti Squash 

Spaghetti Squash
Spaghetti Squash


Blueberry Passion Smoothie 

 1 cup Homemade Greek yogurt 

 1 cup Fresh Garden Blueberries 

 1 Garden Delicious Apple 

 1 Organic Orange Citrus, fruit, rind, no peel 

 add Ice to suit 

 Double blended 


Red Table Grapes 

Closing Prayer Kindness

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law,” Galatians 5: 22-23.

Pray that you and your community will be filled with and known for kindness and compassion.

Father, I desire to display the fruit of kindness, yet sometimes I don’t know how to do so. Through Your Holy Spirit, please grow this fruit in me until it overflows into the lives around me. Prompt me with practical ideas to reach out and offer Your loving-kindness to those around me every day. When I am the one in need, help me to humbly open the door and allow the kindness of others into my life. Begin a movement of kindness in my community that catches and spreads. May we show kindness, not for recognition or a good feeling, but quietly, out of love and appreciation for the kindness You have shown us. Show us this week who needs a smile, a gesture, or a helping hand. Give us courage to act and not to expect anything in return. Amen. 

 – Amelia Rhodes. 


Healthy Braised Chicken with Autumn Garden Vegetables

Healthy Braised Chicken with Autumn Garden Vegetables

Pastor Cathy Hanus
Holistic Health Coach

Opening Prayer:
Thankful Hearts

We thank You Lord, for all you give; the food we eat, the lives we live; and to our loved ones far away, please send your blessings, Lord we pray. Help us all to live our days with thankful hearts and loving ways. Amen.

Thankful Hearts
Thankful Hearts

Cultivating a thankful heart is a necessity. Without gratitude we would not be a world that goes round and round. Reciting prayer before meals is a great way we can continue to build our thankful hearts and cultivate authenticity. Remembering the Lord and everything that goes into every meal is extremely important. Whether it is the person preparing the meal, the farmer growing the food or even the dear friend that orchestrated the time to be together having a thankful heart created by prayer. – Beliefnet.

Mindful eating
Harvest season
Green zucchini

Healthy Braised Chicken with Autumn Garden Vegetables
Healthy Braised Chicken with Autumn Garden Vegetables

Healthy Braised Chicken with Autumn Garden Vegetables
Basmati rice – high in fiber, slower to digest.
Tomatoes – good source of Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper; and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium and Manganese.
Pumpkin – fiber
Carrots – betakerotine
Onion – Onions are rich in powerful sulfuric compounds, responsible for their pungent odor. Studies suggest onions may lower high blood pressure, reduce heart attack risk, and even help protect against cancer. WebMD.
Black radish – important function of black radish extract encourages the liver to produce fat- and protein-digesting bile
Kale – crucifer vegetable, one cup of raw kale, about 67 grams or 2.4 ounces contains:
Vitamin A: 206% of the DV (from beta-carotene)
Vitamin K: 684% of the DV
Vitamin C: 134% of the DV
Vitamin B6: 9% of the DV
Manganese: 26% of the DV
Calcium: 9% of the DV
Copper: 10% of the DV
Potassium: 9% of the DV
Magnesium: 6% of the DV
It also contains 3% or more of the DV for vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), iron and phosphorus
This is coming with a total of 33 calories, 6 grams of carbs (2 of which are fiber) and 3 grams of protein.
Chicken – protein, prepared with coconut oil and spices.

Garden Watermelon

– Pastor Cathy Hanus, Holistic Health Coach. Spirit of Peace.

Memorial Prayer

Safely Home
I am home in heaven, dear ones;
oh, so happy and so bright!
There is a perfect joy and
beauty in the everlasting light.
All the pain and grief is over,
every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
safely home in heaven at last.
There is work still waiting for you,
so you must not idly stand,
do it now, while life remains
you shall rest in God’s own land.
When that work is all completed,
He will gently call you home;
oh, the rapture of that meeting
oh, the joy to see you come!

God Needed an Angel in Heaven
God needed an angel in heaven
to stand at the Savior’s feet;
His choice must be the rarest
a lily pure and sweet.
He gazed upon the mighty throng
then stopped and picked the best,
our loved one (child) was His chosen one
with Jesus she [he] is now at rest.

– Pastor Michael Hanus. Spirit of Peace.

Healthy Braised Chicken and Spring Fruit Vegetable Salad

Spirit of Peace Health and Wellness presentation by Pastor Cathy 

Healthy Braised Chicken and Spring Fruit Vegetable Salad 

Spring Salad
Healthy Braised Chicken and Spring Fruit Vegetable Salad

Braised Chicken prepared with coconut oil

Basmati rice prepared in the chicken broth spices

Spring salad with broccoli, tomatoes, radishes, and strawberry 

Celery, natural unprocessed almond butter 

Nutrition lesson summary 

Salad greens, vegetables 

 Colors describe nutritional groupings 


 Lean white meat protein, 

 Braised in organic coconut oil, 

  Medium chain fat 

 Basmati rice 

  Healthy alternative 

  High protein, natural vitamin rice alternative 

  Low in sugar 


  Deter cancer cell growth, 

  Low glycemic index, 

  Amylose satiates hunger, 

  High in fiber, an insoluble carbohydrate, 

  Fat absorption inhibitor, 

  Cholesterol binding activity, 

Come visit with Pastor Cathy Hanus for more Health Wellness and Nutrition Fellowship! 

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Community Thanksgiving Dinner



You are invited


Thursday Nov. 23

12pm to 3pm

(as long as food lasts)


111 East Front Street

Valley, NE 68064


FREE Thanksgiving Dinner

with all the trimmings

Family Activities

Organized by Spirit of Peace

Volunteers and Donations Welcome

Contact 402-541-7019 Michael or spirit.peace@outlook.com


Box 245 Valley Nebraska 68064

EventBrite Tickets RSVP

St Patrick Health and Wellness Activity

St Patrick Health and Wellness Activity

Spirit of Peace plans to celebrate St Patrick’s Day early on Thursday afternoon March 16th.

Everyone in the community is invited to a free health and wellness presentation, lunch and exercise program following.

Corned Beef Cabbage Red Potatoes
Corned Beef Cabbage Red Potatoes


If you have a favorite St Patrick themed side dish you are welcome to bring it to the meal and discuss it if you like.

The presentation starts at noon on March 16, the meal follows at about 12:20 and anyone interested in discussing and participating in the exercise is welcome at about 1:20.
Valley View Community Center 400 West Meigs St. Valley NE.

At 3:00 anyone interested in visiting the residents at Golden Living may join us in a St Patrick’s Day presentation there with history, prayer, arts and crafts.
Conclusion at 4:00 is expected.

Volunteers, Planners and Donations are welcome.
Spirit of Peace Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus may be contacted at 402-541-7019 or through SpiritofPeace.us

Christmas Food Drive

Community Christmas Food Drive
Teacher, Life brings so much more satisfaction in giving to others.

Yes, there is an abundance of blessing that rains down upon us when we share in Jesus with the community. The letting go of that Christian love that lives within us warms the hearts of those around us. Living by example is far more effective in Missional outreach. Those people we want to engage feel moved to join in and contribute their energy and find satisfaction in community support. What a great time to share in and enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit!

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:17-18.

Holiday Food Drive
Holiday Food Drive

Please join in by contributing your energy and resources to a Community Food Drive so that those in need may experience satisfaction.
You may contact us at any time when you feel the Spirit move you.
Peace and Joy! Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus
Spirit of Peace, Box 245 Valley, Nebraska 68064,
Spirit.Peace@outlook.com 402-541-7019 Call or Text

Got Health Fitness Community Wellness Event

Everyone is Welcome! Come as You Are!
Sponsored by Spirit of Peace, Valley, NE

Fitness Health Wellness
Fitness Health Wellness

Kylie Arment and Dr Ricky Bussey Participating
Schedule: 11:30 Preparation 11:45 Nutrition Presentation and Free Lunch 1:00 Fitness Presentation – 1:30 Family Activity FUN! & Fellowship.
– Friday, November 11, 2016 from 11:30 am to 2 pm or so.
Where: Valley View Community Center
400 West Meigs Street, Valley, NE 68064
Price: Activities Free! (sweet!) Thank you!
Questions?: Please contact Pastors Michael or Cathy Hanus
Interested in VOLUNTEERING?
Spirit.Peace@outlook.com 402-541-7019
RSVP assists Planning Purposes!

Free Community Garden Enjoyment Event



Everyone is Welcome! Come as You Are!

Sponsored by Spirit of Peace, Valley, NE

Schedule: 11:00 am Community Garden Planning and Tending

– Saturdays in August through September 2016 from 11 am to 12 pm Noon or so.

Where: Rogert Park Pavilion and Golden Living – Spirit Community Garden

Plentiful Harvest
Plentiful Harvest

604 South Lakewood St Valley, NE 68064

Price: Activities Free! (sweet!) Thank you!

Questions?: Please contact Pastors Michael or Cathy Hanus

Interested in VOLUNTEERING?

Spirit.Peace@outlook.com 402-541-7019


RSVP assists Planning Purposes!

Free EventBrite RSVP Tickets

Spirit of Peace is a missional community of believers.

We believe that the community has life that is greater than its parts. Spirit celebrates the Community Garden! Stop by and visit us!

All are Very Welcome!